What Do You Need Help With? We’ve Got You Covered.
Establishing a School
To establish an Ontario Private High School, you must undergo a lengthy Ministry of Education Validation and Inspection process. We can help you prepare and successfully obtain your school license.
We offer the following services for each stage of the process:
- Submitting Notice of Intention to operate as an Ontario Private High School
- Preparing for a successful Validation and Ministry of Education Inspection, including submission of pre-inspection materials, such as the School Course Calendar and Course Outlines
- Establishing school policies and procedures, such as school safety
- Designing curriculum and evaluation plans using Ministry approved guidelines
- Ensuring compliance with Ministry directives and having a successful Inspection
- Successfully acquiring a license for school operation
Expanding Your School
At some point, every school is looking to grow and strengthen its reputation. If you’re ready for this next leap, we’ll show how to do this through a variety of channels targeted to your specific needs. This could include:
- Increasing enrollment through different channels
- Implementing new technology and online learning pathways
- Elevating reputation through special academic programs, partnerships, and safety-first initiatives
- Introducing programming for exceptional student services for international students
- Expanding learning opportunities for English as a Second Language (ESL) students
- Increasing programming accessibility
Working with Indigenous Peoples and Communities
We provide expertise in teaching, leadership, policy development, and tools for accountability to address the challenges and opportunities in Indigenous communities. Creating ways for learners of all ages – including adults – to complete their schooling opens new pathways, builds confidence, and changes community dynamics.
We offer the following strategies for a potential path forward:
- Comprehensive analysis of current practices
- Identification of short- and long-term goals and leading to a strategic plan
- Collaboration with the leadership team to revise policies and procedures, providing clear direction and identifying indicators of accountability
- Supporting the leadership team’s efforts to implement improvement plans
- Review of governance structures, the roles of the education director, representatives of Chief and Council and outside education authority
- Providing holistic and comprehensive perspective to ensure the maintenance of traditional values
Schools should prepare young people for success not only in their academics but in their ability to function in new environments away from home. Their ties to the land and traditional values give them confidence and strength to pursue their goals, always within the context of their culture and identity.
Coaching & Mentorship for Principals
Principals make hundreds of decisions in a day in the interest of the school community and they need the skills and knowledge to do their job well. They need to learn how to manage staff and student issues, and resolve conflicts.
We offer coaching and mentoring services by a former Toronto District School Board (TDSB) high school principal with a track record of managing a wide variety of public schools across the GTA and mentored principals to become knowledgeable, effective decision makers so that they can choose the right approach and the right solutions.
Our coaching and mentoring sessions at your school will empower the principal through a better understanding of these key competencies:
- The duties and rights of their role that allow them to function effectively as a principal
- How legislative and regulatory directions impact the school’s (non)compliance and standing with the Ministry of Education
- Effective management of staff and student issues and the appropriate conflict resolution channels
- Principles of situational leadership for the proper functioning of the school
- Essential skills, including the ability to communicate well, negotiate, delegate appropriately and problem solve in a diverse set of situations
- Proper oversight that requires knowledge of the principal’s role as supervisor
Professional Development for Staff & School Administrators
Do teaching staff know how to prepare for and teach for a successful Ministry Inspection? Is your school facing compliance issues with the Ministry? Are you ready for new learning models? Learn to stay ahead and be prepared.
We offer professional development workshops for the school and staff that can include:
- Addressing issues based on Ministry Inspection Report for school improvement
- Rectify compliance issues on Ministry directives, including reviewing and fixing school policies and procedures
- Mentoring workshops focused on common issues and solutions for administrators, guidance counsellors, and teachers
We also offer professional development workshops specifically geared for teachers that can include:
- Properly preparing for and effectively teaching for a successful Ministry Inspection
- Incorporating new learning pathways and the best of new technologies to enhance curriculum delivery
- Understanding and utilising everyone’s growth with technology during the current pandemic to update teaching methodology
- Recognizing the benefits and challenges of online learning and developing practical, functional adaptations in a blended learning environment
Curriculum Design and Evaluation
A key element of the Ministry Inspection is delivering the curriculum and having student evaluation practices that comply with Ministry guidelines. Teachers have to demonstrate successful integration of the principles of Growing for Success (Ministry policy document on student assessment, evaluation and reporting) into their assessment and evaluation plans for each course. Focussing on these essential elements will also improve teaching practice and student learning.
Learn how to create material right the first time to avoid wasting time and extra effort.
We can help to clarify and reinforce the following key areas:
- Teachers being able to articulate their approach to addressing the demands of the curriculum.
- Teachers presenting evidence of descriptive feedback in student-friendly language
- Teachers’ planning materials must show tracking of learning goals and referencing success criteria
- Assessment practices that include assessment as, of and for learning.
ESL Testing & Placement
The initial assessment of English Language Learners and their placement in suitable levels of ESL classes is a critical element in working with international students. Placing such English language learners into the right ESL course can be a challenge.
We can help you to accurately test such learners for the right placement levels and conduct meaningful and relevant exit testing.
In addition, we can assist with:
- Developing rubrics, level benchmarks, curriculum outcomes, testing procedures and calibration sessions for teachers.
- Understanding the difference between equivalencies granted through prior learning assessment (PLAR) and students’ readiness to perform prerequisite skills for proper course placement and student success
- Providing strong guidance counselling support for pathway decisions and post secondary goals
- Welcoming and orienting students and providing additional opportunities for learning English in after school programs